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About Us

  • Kabra Logitech Private Limited provides an efficient and cost-effective solution, helping businesses save time and resources.
  • We automate and streamline logistics processes by providing businesses with an efficient ERP solution.
  • With over two decades of experience in the logistics industry, Kabra Logitech is your go-to choice for innovative and effective ERP solutions.
  • Our company's core product, «TapTap» helps businesses manage their inventory, shipping, and tracking information in a single platform.
  • TapTap

    TAP TAP- An ERP software that takes care of the needs of all the agents. One can track the route of their logistics services along with the income and expenses. This would help the client in having all the data in one place making work hassle-free.

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    Our Features

    Boosting productivity

    By utilizing ERP rather than paper-based processes, productivity is enhanced.

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    Saves time and resources

    By performing all of the tasks electronically, you can save time and energy while increasing efficiency.

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    Concentrating technique

    Concentrating the technique allows for higher performance and efficiency.

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    Meet Our Team

    Chintan Kabra
    Chief Executive Officer
    Jay Patel
    Full Stack developer
    Aditya Panchal
    Full Stack developer
    Gruhit Patel
    Back-End Developer
    Darshan Mangroliya
    React Js Developer
    Tanay Patil
    React Js Developer
    Prashant Bhatiya
    React Js Developer
    Khushi Pancholi
    HR Executive
    Dhruvangi Acharya
    Marketing Intern
    Powered by Kabra Express Logistics Pvt. Ltd.